Kansas Peace Officers Association
P.O. Box 2592, Wichita, KS 67201(316) 722-8433 | kpoa@kpoa.org
"Co-operation and Justice"
Since 2006, Lyon County Sheriff's Office has held a 3-day training covering a variety of law enforcement topics. This training provides an opportunity for law enforcement to get up to 25 hours of high-quality training. This training brings in up to 200 of Kansas' finest law enforcement officers to stay trained in all aspects of law enforcement.
Date: April 9-11, 2024
Location: Anderson Building - Lyon County Fairgrounds
TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 0800 – 1700 Registration Starts 0700
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 0800-1700 Registration Starts 0700
THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 0800 – 1700 Registration Starts 0700
For more information and to register, visit Spring Training Conference - Lyon County Sheriff's Office (lyoncountyso.com)
Questions may be directed to Detective Eric Williams at ewilliams@lyoncounty.org