Kansas Peace Officers Association

P.O. Box 2592, Wichita, KS 67201
(316) 722-8433  |  kpoa@kpoa.org

"Co-operation and Justice"


Amy Osburn
KPOA President

Amy is a Basic Training Administrator with the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) and is a retired Sergeant from the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office where she served for 21 years.  She was elected to serve as President of the Kansas Peace Officers Association on September 21, 2022 at the Annual Business Meeting in Manhattan.

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  • 05/21/2024 11:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This year's conference planning is underway. The exact schedule will be posted soon but it will be great! 

    In addition to the conference, we are having a golf tournament and the yearly shooting competition on Sunday, Sept. 8th to coincide with the conference. If you play golf or shoot, please feel free to join us with a team. If you don't do either but want to help in any fashion, we will not turn down assistance of any type.

    We hope to see everyone in September. 

  • 01/09/2024 2:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Welcome to 2024!

    I pray all of you were safe and healthy during this past holiday season. With this crazy weather, please drive safe, and don't forget to warm yourself up as well as everyone around you.

    The first week of January brings the new legislative season. This is an important time for KPOA and involves each and every law enforcement officer in Kansas. Decisions are made in Topeka that directly influence your jobs in many ways. I encourage you to get involved and stay informed. I will be sending out emails periodically with updates and you can also watch hearings online.

    Next week, the three associations (KPOA, KSA, & KACP) will deliver a State of Law Enforcement Address which will then be followed by the Legislative Reception on January 23rd. Please try to attend. It is open to all KPOA members and it is an opportunity to directly interact with your legislative representatives. 

    Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at any point.

    Cheers to the New Year!

    Amy Osburn

  • 11/22/2023 11:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Where where has the year gone. It has only been 2 months since the conference. 

    For all of you working during this Thanksgiving weekend, please be safe and warm. It appears there is going to be snow in much of Kansas which will create a lot of extra work for everyone on the streets.

    Many people struggle this time of year. Whether it is the holidays or the extra long periods of darkness, it is our responsibility to watch out and take of each other.  

    If you find that you are struggling and need to talk with someone, here are some great options for first responders:

    COPLINE is available 24/7 at 800-267-5463.

    Veterans Crisis Line:  800-273-8255 - Press 1

    Suicide Prevention Lifeline:  800-273-TALK

    Suicide & Crisis Lifeline:  988

    Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving


  • 06/07/2023 11:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a friendly reminder, the training year ends on June 30th. If you find yourself short on some hours, there quite a few opportunities both online and in person through KLETC. Please review the KLETC Statewide Calendar for more information: https://kletc.org/calendar  

  • 02/10/2023 3:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Just in case you missed it, we are well into the training year for 2023, in fact, we are almost in the last quarter of it. With that in mind, please review the training opportunities KPOA is hosting in your area. 

    For each KPOA hosted event, all members are free. However, if you want to attend the training and you are not a member, the fee is simply the cost of your membership.

    One last thing, if you have an idea for training you would like to see in your area, please reach out and let me know. My main goal is to provide quality training opportunities throughout the state.

  • 11/23/2022 12:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I want to take a moment this week and wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Many of us express our thankfulness during this time of year and yet other’s often express their gratitude. So what is the difference between the two? Thankfulness is an emotion of feeling pleased whereas Gratefulness is showing appreciation for something done or received. These are both are key elements in developing resiliency.

    Studies have shown that creating a practice of gratitude can improve your sleep quality, develop emotional regulation, and reduce stress; burnout; and symptoms of PTSD. So how do you develop a gratitude practice? Simple really. Throughout each day, make a conscious effort to name five things you are grateful for. Perhaps you are grateful for the beautiful sunrise you saw while you were on patrol. Maybe you were thanked by a citizen during your shift for something you did. Do not overlook all of the simple things that occur each and every day, even on a really rough day. First responders often see people at their worst but they also see and experience the most amazing moments as well. Do not forget to acknowledge and be grateful for these moments.

    I am truly thankful and grateful for each and every one of you and stay safe!!


  • 09/25/2022 7:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who attended and supported the 2022 KPOA conference this year in Manhattan.

    I also want to thank the past board who did an exceptional job putting together a conference on "Taking Investigations to the Next Level." Kansas has exceptional law enforcement officers who are clearly professionals that rival those from around the country.

    One of our goals for the 2022 - 2023 year is to increase valuable training across the state. In order to do this, we are asking for every member's opinion on what type of training would be beneficial in your career, regardless of the rank or years of service. Please email me or your District Governor with any ideas. We value each and every member and want to continue to strengthen Kansas Law Enforcement.


  • 01/09/2022 11:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I hope everyone had a great holiday season with your family and friends.  I also want to wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2022 and hope it is a positive, exciting, and wonderful new year for law enforcement.

    I want to say Thank You to all of our law enforcement as we celebrate Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!  I am sincerely grateful and proud to be part of our law enforcement community to stand next to so many dedicated and honorable individuals who put their life on the line every day.  For those who have to go out at all hours of the day and night being away from their family and loved ones.  For those who pay the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, thank you for all you do.  Kansas is a great place to live and the communities are a better place due to law enforcement serving them.

    Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

  • 08/18/2021 1:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I am very pleased to announce our upcoming conference at the United Wireless Convention Center in Dodge City, KS attached to the Boot Hill Casino.  You should have received an email with all the important details on the conference.  We are still finalizing our complete agenda with instructors, but will have everything ready to go for our law enforcement on October 26, 2021 at 1:00 pm.

    This year KPOA wanted to change things up by putting a conference together that not only recognizes the wellness or our law enforcement in Kansas, but our wellness for our families as well.  Law enforcement is sometimes a thankless job.  We see the worst of the worst, deal with unsurmountable stressful situations, loss of life (not only in our daily work, but our brother’s and sister’s in law enforcement), and on really good days get to be the ‘Hero’ to our citizens, family, and significant others we protect.  

    There are times law enforcement officers may think about quitting in times of adversity.  I along with many others recognize the past year with defunding police, police reform, COVID, loss of loved ones, and other issues law enforcement has been facing throughout the nation, does make things hard for everyone.  I offer up a quote:  “When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.”  I know why I started, I wanted to help people, try and make my community a better place for my children (which most of us did not even have yet) and of course….drive fast cars, get into chases and put the bad guys away!  I am very pleased to have the opportunity to work across the State of Kansas with so many outstanding law enforcement that hold integrity, honor, and dedication to the highest standard.  I applaud and thank you!

    I hope you all will take the time to attend the KPOA 2021 Conference with your spouse and/or significant other.  I want you to be able to collect some great information from our trainings you can utilize not only at work but at home  I want you to have a great time networking and JUST RELAX…you deserve it!

    “Bravery is not the absence of fear but Action in the face of fear”


  • 01/08/2021 5:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tomorrow, January 9, is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.  I want to take a moment to thank and show my utmost gratitude to all law enforcement throughout Kansas.  I am tremendously proud to serve alongside you and proud to offer support to you through KPOA.

    I want all of us to pay tribute to our law enforcement officers in Kansas and in our nation, for your/their sacrifice, bravery, and commitment to protecting others.  I also want to honor those officers and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice to help others.

    You have chosen a profession that puts your life on the line every day for the safety and security of your communities.  Please take this time on Saturday, January 9th, 2021 to show your appreciation to the law enforcement professionals by:

    • Wear blue in support of law enforcement
    • Send a card or letter of support to your local police department, county sheriff, tribal, state and/or federal agency
    • Tell an officer “Thank You”
    • Participate in Project Blue Light – Proudly display your blue light in support of law enforcement
    • Turn your social media channel blue
    • Fly a blue ribbon on your vehicles, mailbox, or anywhere a ribbon can be tied
    • Share a positive law enforcement story or experience on social media.

    As always stay safe and God bless!

    Joby Harrison
    KPOA President 

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