Kansas Peace Officers Association

P.O. Box 2592, Wichita, KS 67201
(316) 722-8433  |  kpoa@kpoa.org

"Co-operation and Justice"

Criminal Justice Ethics Ethical Decision-Making for Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers

  • 01/31/2025
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom

Registration: https://homefrontprotect.com/EBForms.aspx?EBID=653&EBType=R&RefID=

Cost: $95.00

This course explores the principles and challenges of ethical decision-making for law enforcement and correctional professionals. Participants will examine the moral and ethical dilemmas law enforcement and corrections face while navigating the complex interplay between justice, fairness, and public safety. Key topics include ethical theory, the types of liability faced in public and correctional institutions, professional codes of conduct, discretion in decision-making, the duty to intervene, barriers to intervention, and strategies for resolving ethical conflicts. This course will also examine case studies to help participants refine their critical thinking skills and learn to apply ethical frameworks to real-world and sometimes dangerous challenges officers face.

This training program will cover the following topics:
  • Define and discuss liability, ethics, and the duty to intervene.
  • Identify ethical issues related to correctional officers and law enforcement.
  • Navigating the ethical “grey areas” that all officers deal with.
  • Ensure that our Code of Conduct is adhered to, for our own protection.
  • Knowing the difference between what is right for the organization and what is right only for personal gain.
  • Identifying and avoiding unhealthy Group-Thinking.
  • Define and know how to use ethical discretion in decision making.
  • Learning to listen to that “gut feeling” that tells us something is wrong.
  • “We are all in this together;” knowing when to tap yourself or another officer out for a break.
  • Learning how to rely on your resources; supervisors, fellow staff, policies, and procedures.
Who should attend:

This course is ideal for Police Officers, Detectives, Sheriff’s Deputies and Jail Deputies, Corrections Officers, Corrections Investigators, Juvenile Detention Officers, Federal Agents, SIU Investigators, and other Law Enforcement and Public Safety Personnel.

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