Kansas Peace Officers Association

P.O. Box 2592, Wichita, KS 67201
(316) 722-8433  |  kpoa@kpoa.org

"Co-operation and Justice"


Amy Osburn
KPOA President

Amy is a Basic Training Administrator with the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) and is a retired Sergeant from the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office where she served for 21 years.  She was elected to serve as President of the Kansas Peace Officers Association on September 21, 2022 at the Annual Business Meeting in Manhattan.

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  • 08/31/2019 2:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Labor Day usually means Summer is waving good-bye,  and Fall is waiting to arrive.

    Labor Day constitutes a yearly, national tribute to the contributions workers  and laborers have made to the strength and well-being of our country. Like each of you choose to contribute in protecting and serving the citizens of Kansas in many different law enforcement capacities.

    I hope this Labor Day weekend you will get some extra time off to relax and spend with those who are important in your life.

    Have a good, long weekend and thank you for all you do as law enforcement.

    Be safe!


  • 08/07/2019 3:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Monday, I had the opportunity to meet with the KS COPS organization. Also present was AG Schmidt, members from KACP, State FOP representatives , and legislative liaison Ed Klumpp.

    KS COPS is a statewide organization providing programs & services for the surviving families and co-workers of leo killed in the line of duty in KS. They assist in getting families to police week in DC,  have peer support groups, and even have camp for children who have unfortunately been exposed to the horrific tragedy of line of duty death of a parent.

    Take a minute to look at their website www.kscops.org, or their fb page. I challenge each KPOA member to donate their next fancy coffee or lunch out money to this sadly needed wonderful organization.

    I also hope and pray we don't need their programs this year in Kansas.

    Be safe!



  • 07/22/2019 5:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Last week I had the pleasure of meeting several  applicants for the KPOA scholarships. Let me tell you..... the  future looks bright for these young people! (and us too)

    We had a number of exceptional applicants and the decisions were not easy. This is also a testament to good parenting, keep it up!

    KPOA wishes EACH applicant the utmost success throughout their time at school and in their chosen career.  

    Stay safe!



  • 07/03/2019 11:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As we celebrate the 4th of July with family, friends and fireworks,  take a moment to remember those who may not be celebrating, but working to keep your 4th  celebration safe.

    Kansas has  great law enforcement officers  and I am proud to say several are  KPOA members. Thank you to all who are dedicated to the law enforcement profession and community.

    Enjoy your 4th of July, however you are spending it.

    Be safe!


  • 06/28/2019 11:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It is with great pleasure the KPOA would like to welcome Grover "Jeff" Piper as the new Administrator replacing the position of Secretary/ Treasurer.

    Jeff is a Detective with the Maize Police Department and  will be a wonderful asset to the KPOA in this old, yet new position. His enthusiasm, and zeal to get things accomplished is evident with the new website.

    Please take a minute to congratulate and welcome Jeff to the KPOA!

    Stay safe,



  • 06/11/2019 3:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This past weekend the annual KPOA firearms competition took place at Trigger Guard Range. Thank you to ALL who competed, attended and volunteered.

     A great time was had by all. Hope to see even MORE participants next year!

    Don't forget the fall KPOA conference is in October with some awesome speakers and great case presentations.

    Be safe!


  • 05/24/2019 8:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Memorial Day weekend  means school is out for the year, graduations are complete and the beginning of summer is upon us. 

    As we celebrate this long weekend, take a moment to remember the U.S. Military women and men who lost their lives while serving their country. Remember the sacrifices they made and their families continue to make.

    Enjoy your weekend whether it be with family, BBQ's or just doing that project you have been putting off. As you do, take a moment and give thanks to ALL who make sacrifices for us.

    Be safe!



  • 05/16/2019 4:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you to ALL who serve as law enforcement officers. This is a challenging and often dangerous job, yet you persevere on to keep your family, friends and communities safe. 

    Thank you to all for a job well done!

    Stay safe!


  • 03/19/2019 5:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The start of spring is a good time to clean out the old, freshen things and launch a new and improved KPOA website!!

    The new site will allow our members to have access to timely legislative information, upcoming training and the most recent point of law updates.

    Members and agencies will be able to renew and pay for their memberships and sign up for FREE KPOA sponsored training for members on line as well.

    With this new website KPOA hopes to keep you informed and up to date.

    Thank you to ALL who have assisted in making this happen, and continue with valued participation. KPOA is a remarkable organization and thank you for choosing to be a part of it.

    Spring will bring new challenges for us; whether we seize them or not and it will bring new opportunities. As we seize these opportunities and face these challenges know you are truly making a difference in the community you serve.  Your dedication, service, and integrity is invaluable and vital in today’s world.

    Continue to be safe.

    Warmest Regards,


  • 11/18/2018 1:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Kansas Peace Officers Association has been a part of the law enforcement community for over 100 years now and I am privileged to be the current president of this worthy organization. The KPOA encompasses all levels of law enforcement including Chiefs, Sheriffs, and street officers, local, state, and federal officers.

    As law enforcement officers, we often face many prejudices and challenges in our daily responsibilities.  It is imperative we continue to educate the public, share our challenges and continue to keep our communities safe. At the same time providing services to those who need a counselor, social worker, protector and so many other roles encompassed by law enforcement officers in today’s world.

    The KPOA strives to provide quality training to its members throughout the state to assist with some of these challenges and roles faced daily. The district Governors have been instrumental in assisting with arranging training and for that, I thank you. I hope 2019 will encourage all districts to provide FREE, quality training to KPOA members throughout the state.

    Thank you to all who attended our fall conference in Lawrence. There were fantastic speakers who shared their experience and knowledge, old friends reuniting and new friends being made. A raffle also occurred at the conference raising $2655.00 for the family of Sedgwick County Deputy, Robert Kunze.  The generosity of the sisters and brothers in blue is awe-inspiring.

    KPOA continues to provide our members with representation at the legislature with retired Chief, Ed Klumpp. Mr. Klumpp works tirelessly during the legislative session working with Kansas lawmakers on proposed bills that could impact law enforcement.

    KPOA is trying to establish an email data base to better communicate with its almost 3300 members.  This will allow us to blast email training information and other information of value in a timely manner.  Please make sure KPOA has your CURRENT email information. If you are a member, please login to this site to ensure we have your current e-mail on file.  While your logged in, please also verify all of your contact and beneficiary information is current.  

    I know you have the choice to belong to other organizations and appreciate you choosing to belong to the KPOA. As your president, I hope to continue to advance and grow this remarkable organization and membership. I cannot do that alone and each member’s active involvement is needed and greatly valued.

    Thank you for your dedicated and crucial service in law enforcement. The work you do is remarkable and does make a difference.

    Stay safe!

    Sherri Moore

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