Kansas Peace Officers Association

P.O. Box 2592, Wichita, KS 67201
(316) 722-8433  |  kpoa@kpoa.org

"Co-operation and Justice"


Amy Osburn
KPOA President

Amy is a Basic Training Administrator with the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) and is a retired Sergeant from the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office where she served for 21 years.  She was elected to serve as President of the Kansas Peace Officers Association on September 21, 2022 at the Annual Business Meeting in Manhattan.

  • 12/28/2020 12:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This has been a very trying year with unchartered territory as it relates to a still growing public health threat from the Coronavirus all around the world.  KPOA fully supports all state and national efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 whether that is by social-distancing, quarantine vs. self-monitoring, and newly approved vaccines.  Law enforcement agencies across Kansas have seen significant changes in how they conduct business and how they go about their daily lives.  Our personal and professional lives have and will forever be changed due to the pandemic.  I only hope that with the coming of a new year we surpass the difficulties felt in 2020 and engage triumphantly in 2021.

    I would like to reflect on the meaning of each word in “Kansas Peace Officers Association” (KPOA) and what makes this organization so meaningful to me and for our members.  Kansas, our State, named after the Kansas River.  Peace Officer(s), a civil officer appointed to preserve law and order, to include but not limited to a sheriff, chief, state trooper, or police officer [anyone who has statutory law enforcement powers].  Association, a group of people organized for a joint purpose.  In 1916, law enforcement had the need to create an Association that serves to promote personal acquaintance and co-operation among all Peace Officers and agencies of Kansas.  Law enforcement needed an association to advocate for sound legislation and laws that enhance the safety and welfare of Peace Officers and the public.  Law enforcement needed an association to promote the improvement of Police Service(s) and the advancement of the Law Enforcement Profession.  Law enforcement needed an association to raise the standard of Law Enforcement Institutions and Officials in the State of Kansas.  I believe KPOA has the ability to change outcomes for the betterment of law enforcement in Kansas and support all of our officers in that endeavor.  This is why I am proud to be a part of and President of KPOA.

    On October 14, 2020, I took over as the President of KPOA from former President Paul Schliffke.  Paul did a great job and I want to personally thank him for his time and commitment with KPOA.  Over the last two years, KPOA has made leaps and bounds in a positive direction changing outdated policies, converting over to a digital platform, and getting more involvement from our members.  An association is only as good as its members and I believe we have the right members to make a difference.  

    I do not know what we are looking at for a KPOA Conference / Training this year and do not yet know any time frame, but will keep everyone updated as we progress forward in 2021.  Let me conclude with one last inspirational bit of prose, sometimes called “The Policeman’s Prayer.”  This was authored by retired Thibodaux, La., Police Chief Scott Silverii, PhD at a fallen officer’s funeral:

    The Final Inspection

    The policeman stood and faced his God.  Which must always come to pass.

    He hoped his shoes were shining just as brightly as his brass.

    “Step forward now, policeman.  How shall I deal with you?  Have you always turned the other cheek?  To My church have you been true?”

    The policeman squared his shoulders and said, “No, Lord, I guess I ain’t.  Because those of us who carry badges can’t always be a saint.  I’ve had to work most Sundays, and at times my talk was rough; and sometimes I’ve been violent, because the streets are awfully tough.  But I never took a penny that wasn’t mine to keep…thought I’ve worked a lot of overtime when the bills got just too steep.  And I never passed a cry for help, though at times I shook with fear; and sometimes, God forgive me, I’ve wept unmanly tears.  I know I don’t deserve a place among the people here.  They never wanted me around except to calm their fear.  If you’ve a place for me here, Lord, it needn’t be so grand.  I never expected or had too much, but if you don’t …I’ll understand.”

    There was silence all around the throne where the saints had often trod.  As the policeman waited quietly for the judgment of his God.

    “Step forward now, policeman, you’ve borne you burdens well.  Come walk a beat on Heaven’s streets, you’ve done your time in hell.”

    KBI ASAC Joby Harrison
    KPOA President

     [“Wisdom is knowing the right path to take.  Integrity is taking it.” M.H. McKee]

  • 10/14/2020 1:30 AM | Anonymous member

    I started to write this final post several times and even completed a final draft. But nothing read quite right. So, from the heart...

    I want to thank KPOA members for the opportunity to be your President during one of the most challenging times in history to be in law enforcement. Law enforcement professionals deserve to have a voice and having over 3000 members trust me to be that voice is humbling. My late father had a handwritten card posted next to his desk. It read "Work as though everything depends on you and Pray as though everything depends on God." I thought about that note a lot this year.

    I am grateful to the KPOA Chief Executive Officers who will take over within the next day or so. I am grateful to Jeff Piper, our KPOA Administrator who is invaluable to our Association and to Ed Klumpp as our Legislative Liaison who is a great facilitator. I am grateful to Chief Baker and my co-workers at Wamego PD for their support. And I am grateful to my family as well for their support.

    The KPOA continues to be in good hands.

    Stay safe,

    Paul Schliffke

  • 09/01/2020 8:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    To say 2020 has been a year of changes would be an understatement.

    One of the responsibilities of your Chief Executive Officers and Administrator is to keep the KPOA running as efficiently as possible, and to look at the long-term viability of the Association. With that in mind, I need to share the following information and make a recommendation concerning membership benefits.

    When the KPOA first offered death benefits to members, the federal Public Safety Officers Benefit program for duty related deaths did not exist. As of this writing, the current PSOB benefit is about $365,000. Duty related death and disabilities were related to specific events.  Death benefits are paid from the KPOA general fund and KPOA is on track to pay about $10,000 in non-duty death benefits this year.

    The COVID Pandemic has affected many parts of our lives, including public safety, as we are on the front lines. COVID can strike healthy people, as well as people who have other health challenges. Fortunately, COVID related duty deaths have been added to the PSOB program.

    Starting in April 2020, KPOA added the benefit of an insurance policy to all members. This policy includes benefits to be paid for accidental death, line of duty death, and felonious assault death, in addition to benefits for injuries. This policy may be reviewed on the Membership Benefits page of the KPOA Website.

    Because of Public Safety Officers Benefit program, because of the KPOA insurance benefits now in place, and because of the financial liability of paying claims directly from KPOA for COVID deaths, I believe the time has come to remove the $500 / $1000 / $2000 death benefit directly from KPOA. Present members who are retirees and members who retire prior to January 1, 2021, will not be affected by this change. Those members will be “grandfathered.” Death benefits will still be paid for certain events, including duty related deaths. The main difference is the benefits will be paid from insurance and not from KPOA.

    Because of an increase in life expectancy, there is also a proposal to change the age of a Senior Life Member to 65 years of age for applicants after January 1, 2021.

    KPOA ByLaws specifically prohibit changes to the Constitution or ByLaws by us as Officers.  The changes must be voted upon. While we are still in the process of determining the best way to hold our fall business “meeting,” it is up to you as members to educate yourselves and vote on the proposed changes. The proposed specific changes are attached with the present language and proposed new language.

    Please review the attachment, which also contains the candidates who are running for office. Thank you for your continued support to KPOA. As always, stay safe and healthy.


    Paul Schliffke

  • 07/31/2020 9:40 PM | Anonymous member

    KPOA Members:

    I hope this finds you and your families healthy. I have important news to pass along.

    First, as some of you may have already concluded, I have decided to cancel the KPOA 2020 Fall Conference. This was not a simple decision to make. I was looking forward to reconnecting with members, hearing some great presenters, and transferring leadership to our new officers. However, I cannot in good conscience risk the health and safety of our members, their families, and their co-workers and citizens in their communities. Additionally, many agencies across the state, including my agency, have travel restrictions in place. Even had the conference taken place, it is likely there wouldn’t have been enough participants to cover the cost.

    Our revised Constitution and ByLaws allow us to hold an electronic vote and we will make that happen. Remember to notify Administrator Jeff Piper if you are interested in holding office. I will not be exercising the option to run for President for a second term. Please know that I will continue to support KPOA.

    The second thing I want to inform you about is recent actions taken on your behalf. Executive officers from the Kansas Peace Officers’ Association, the Kansas Sheriff’s Association, and the Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, have been collaborating to ensure our officers have a voice in the efforts to reform law enforcement in Kansas.

    In the spirit of unity and cooperation, leaders from the KPOA, KSA, and KACP communicated and made decisions to positively respond to criticism against law enforcement spreading across our country. Next, with Ed Klumpp as a facilitator, we requested a meeting with the Governor. On July 9, 2020 leadership from the three associations, including Jeff and myself representing KPOA, travelled to Topeka and met with Governor Kelly. We, as a group wanted to respectfully share our concerns that tragic events involving law enforcement in other states don’t necessitate the need for sweeping changes to Kansas law enforcement. Because Wichita Police Chief Gordon Ramsey is the only commissioned law enforcement officer on the governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice, we asked for representation. Unfortunately, that request was not granted. However, Governor Kelly assured us the Commission would listen to concerns of our associations and would utilize us to educate the members.

    Thus began several more weeks of discussion. We agreed on topics (KLETC, KSCPOST, Qualified Immunity, Officer Certification and Decertification, Misconduct Records Privacy, and SRO Roles and Policing in Schools) to present to the Commission if given the opportunity. The cornerstone of our message was to provide examples of how Kansas law enforcement is “ahead of the curve” in comparison to concerns expressed in other states. Ed was contacted by the governor’s office to arrange a “listening session” and on July 29, 2020 five of us, representing the KPOA, KSA, and KACP met, via online video, with members of the Commission. We requested the session be recorded and the link to the video is https://youtu.be/YSGm9hK7fCQ.

    We recognize this is the first step in providing input to potential long-term changes in law enforcement in Kansas. This process is going to be a marathon, not a sprint, and our associations are committed to continue to positively represent our profession.

    I am proud of the way our three associations have come together. I am grateful to Ed, Jeff and the leaders of KSA and KACP. I am also grateful to Governor Kelly, her staff, and the members of the Commission for the opportunity to have a say in the future of law enforcement in Kansas.

    Stay safe and healthy.

    Paul Schliffke

  • 05/06/2020 10:29 PM | Anonymous member

    Even though law enforcement officers write for a living, sometimes translating emotions into words is difficult. For some situations, written words will never be adequate. But they are the only way to document an event.

    On May 3, 2020, Overland Park Police Officer Mike Mosher was murdered while upholding his commitment to the citizens of Kansas. It wasn’t just a passing, it wasn’t just a death, it was a murder. This at a tremendous cost to Officer Mosher’s wife Corinne, daughter Tyler, his family, friends and fellow officers. 

    Officer Mosher’s legacy is apparent. In his KACP Gold Award for Valor. In being Officer of the Year for 2019. In serving, during his career, as a School Resource Officer, as a Community Oriented Police Officer, as a member of the Crisis Negotiation Team, as a Field Training Officer, and as the President of the Fraternal Order of Police Kansas Lodge 21. And in the faces of Overland Park’s finest.

    One of the few comforts is the fact because Officer Mosher took the action he did, he may have saved the life of a well-meaning citizen witness by preventing them from following the suspect after the crash. His actions may have saved the life of an officer following up on a hit and run crash.

    Words are insufficient. The best I can offer… To Officer Mosher’s family, friends, and Overland Park Police, God Bless You and know KPOA stands with you.

    Paul Schliffke

  • 03/22/2020 12:36 PM | Anonymous member

    KPOA Members,

    As I write this, Kansans have joined others across the globe who are trying to avoid becoming sickened by COVID-19. We, as dedicated law enforcement officers continue to serve the public. It is the norm for us to place ourselves in harm’s way. Figuring out how to do so under these circumstances is uncharted waters.

    Many of us, myself included, prefer in-person contacts and greetings with handshakes. I respectfully remind everyone something we learned early in our careers... if we become part of the problem, we can’t be part of the solution. We certainly don’t want to expose our families to this virus. The information about COVID-19 changes hourly. Be smart and take precautions to keep yourself healthy.

    We should remember this is a stressful time for everyone. It is likely the number of disturbance calls will increase, along with juvenile calls since the schools are closed. Let’s do our jobs professionally and safely while treating others with empathy.

    At this time, the conference is still scheduled for October 13 (business meeting in the afternoon) and October 14 and 15 (training) at the Bluemont Inn in Manhattan. I will not put our members’ health at risk. I reached out to the event coordinator and there is no financial penalty with the Inn for postponing or cancelling the conference. As this continues to unfold I will stay in contact with the executive officers to make the decision that best serves our members.

    Thanks to each of you for what you do, and stay safe.


  • 01/21/2020 6:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Reminder - The annual board and legislative meetings, and legislative reception will be at the Ramada, 420 SE 6th, Topeka, on Tuesday, January 28. The KPOA meeting will start at 10:00 AM in alcoves 5 and 6. After lunch, there were will a joint meeting starting at 3:30 PM in the same alcoves, and the reception for legislators will start at 5:00 PM in the Grand Ballroom. We look forward to seeing you there and hearing from Ed Klumpp about what is happening at the Capitol.

    District governors - This is a great time to plan KPOA sponsored training in your area, and to check with law enforcement officers and agencies to see if they are members of KPOA.

    Stay safe,


  • 11/20/2019 6:00 PM | Anonymous member

    The dates for the 2020 Fall Conference have been selected! The business meeting will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 13, and training will be held on Wednesday, October 14, and Thursday, October 15. Our host hotel will be the Bluemont Hotel in Manhattan, Kansas. I have already received from KPOA members, great training suggestions and I have started to reach out to potential presenters. If you have an idea please send an email to me.

    I also want to take this opportunity to wish each of you, and your families, a safe and happy Thanksgiving. We provide a 24 / 365 service to the public which means many of us are working on Holidays. While each of us signed up for this profession, remember our families did not, even though they remain supportive. When giving thanks, remember to include your family.

    Stay safe,


  • 10/14/2019 6:00 PM | Anonymous member
    Members of the Kansas Peace Officers’ Association:

    I am humbled you elected me to be your President for 2019-2020.

    2019 was a year of changes for KPOA. Sherri Moore provided leadership to Joby Harrison, Darrin Stewart, Jeff Piper and myself, challenging us to look ahead so KPOA could remain a long-term resource and benefit for members. The KPOA web page received a makeover with new software including a members’ area, we reviewed and updated the Constitution and By-Laws, added benefits for members, and encouraged the District Governors to take more ownership and to be more active in the Association. You, as members expressed confidence in the Executive Officers to make these changes by your support at the well-attended business meetings. At the fall business meeting, John Defore was elected Vice-President and Marc McCune was elected Sergeant-At-Arms.

    At the fall conference, we said a well-deserved thank you and so long to dedicated Secretary – Treasurer Al Thimmesch after he decided to retire. Al served the KPOA for 35 years and it is safe to say he was the face of KPOA. Saying goodbye to Al was bittersweet, but as he decided to go to the next chapter of his life, we wished him well. Al’s continued dedication to KPOA showed with his vital assistance to Sherri and Jeff as the Association made the transition from the Secretary – Treasurer position to the Administrator position. Al, there simply isn’t enough space here to express our appreciation to you.

    Looking ahead, I want to take advantage of the capabilities of the KPOA web page to increase communication between members. I would like the web page to be more than a resource to search for job listings. As this is your organization, please plan on seeing and responding to surveys sent so the Executive Officers have input from members. When the KPOA is asked as a group for our stance on a topic, I would like to provide what the members believe, not just what I think the members believe. At the conference, I received suggestions including District Governors having younger officers promote KPOA within their districts, and having activities and possibly presentations for spouses at the 2020 fall conference and future conferences. I appreciate the time members took to speak with me.

    Please know I am grateful to the members who keep their memberships current, and to the agencies who pay for their employees to be members.

    Thanks to each of you for what you do, and stay safe!


  • 10/11/2019 5:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    KPOA Members,

    My term as President has come to an end and I want to thank you for a great year. We have made some positive changes and reaffirmed the energy to sustain an incredible organization.

    These changes  would not have been accomplished without the hard work and support of the executive board, I want to thank each one of them for their dedication and patience.

    Thank you ALL for a fantastic year as President.

    Warmest Regards,






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